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Truss Advice

Measuring and Fitting Trusses

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What Is a Truss?

A truss is a surgical tool, used mainly in patients who suffer from a hernia. Strictly speaking, it is used only as an appliance providing support for the herniated region. It consists of a pad and a belt, arranged in a manner which holds the hernia in the best position.

History and Current Affairs

Trusses have been used for a long time, going back at least to the 17th century. Moreover, more primitive devices with the same objective have been used in ancient times as well.

Truss advice

Because of the many wars in the period, during the 19th and early 20th century, doctors even advertised some types of trusses as hernia-curing. Nowadays, scientists consider these stories as mere anecdotes.

In fact, nowadays, trusses are rarely prescribed. Both doctors and surgeons opt for surgery as the better option in most of the cases.


Because some trusses cause inward bulging and, theoretically, can make things even worse. And because people rarely ask for advice – even though they risk even more pain. if the pad isn’t permanently pressuring the hernia/

Truss Advice

Within Murphy’s Chemist Team we have health care professionals who have been trained to measure and fit trusses. To make use of our free fitting service call and see us and ask to speak to a Murphy’s Chemist Pharmacist! He will explain to you, in private, the measuring procedure and the effectiveness of the various products and options we have on offer.

Please Note

Two members of staff may be required to be in attendance for the actual fitting.

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